Who we are

Who We Are

Local Voices is an independent network of community radio journalists working in Liberia’s 15 counties. The group was formed in 2015 by rural journalists who participated in the Internews’ “Information Saves Lives” Ebola training and mentoring program. During the training, participants realized that they were in the unique position to tell the stories about issues in rural Liberia to national and international audiences. Our plan is to extend our work with other Monrovia-based media outlets by forming partnership for further publication of Local Voices stories at a minimum agreed cost per story. Besides, other non-media institutions like the business communities and nongovernmental organizations will also be engaged for partnership.  In order to reach the most remote communities, we know that we have to think outside of the box. We are committed to what is necessary and apply innovative solutions to ensure that our mission of raising local voices becomes a reality.  We are honest about our strengths by inviting opinions. Recognizing that our mission will not be fulfilled by one member alone, we team up with and learn alongside partners.



How we work

Reporters file their stories to the group’s Secretariat, who edits the stories and posts on the website. Many of Local Voices stories are published by FrontPage Africa as well articles by members are broadcast as radio news stories on members’ individual community radio station in their respective county. Read more

Where we work

We are well- suited for any community driven media activities, advocacy projects and community engagement programs because we cover areas of the country that are largely ignored by mainstream Monrovia-based media.  We always bring rural citizens views and perspectives on national and international audience. Read More

Why we work

Helping to echo the voices of local and rural communities brings relief and gives them a value of being part of the society. By promoting rural news, we think we can lift rural dwellers voices so policy makers and authorities can make relevant interventions.  Lifting local voices, empowering communities for a healthy living. Read More

Meet our Network Members

There are total of 20 committed staff/reporters in Local Voices Liberia Media Network, of whom 25% are female and 75% are Male.