Local Voices Liberia

Correct: U.S Gov’t to Deport 1,563 Liberians Residing illegally in America


  • Many Facebook users have claimed that 1,563 Liberians are set for deportation as part of the Trump administration’s restriction on illegal migration in the U.S.
  • We have verified this claim by reviewing data obtained and published by Fox News on December 11, 2024.
  • The claim is rated correct, according to the data published by Fox News 1,563 Liberians are listed on the non-detained docket with final orders of removal by the ICE.

Over the past few days, Facebook users in Liberia have been posting a chart that contains a list of various countries including Liberia, claiming that they are illegal migrants who have been on the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) non-detained docket with final orders of removal since November 24, 2024 will be deported.

Media outlets in Liberia indicated that the U.S. Government is set to deport 1,563 Liberians as part of its broader crackdown on illegal immigration as part of President Donald Trump’s administration policy.

We viewed various posts (here, here, and here) on social media mainly Facebook from, Facebookers, bloggers, and local dailies.

The Claim

One of the posts reads: “Under Trump’s clampdown on illegal immigrants around 1,563 Liberians to be deported. Here is a list from all countries. Pls watch your backs, folks!!! This is serious!”

Rating Justification

To verify whether the chart is authentic, we conducted an online search and found an article by Fox News, an American news channel based in New York City dated December 11, 2024, under the caption, “New data reveals America has tens of thousands of noncitizens from US adversary with deportation orders”.

In the article, the media network said it has obtained new figures showing there are currently 1,445,549 foreign nationals who are on ICE’s non-detained docket and have final orders of removal as of Nov. 24, 2024.

The non-detained docket includes noncitizens who have final orders of removal or are going through removal proceedings but are not in ICE custody.

A review of Page #4 of the chart in the article shows that 1,563 Liberians are on the list and are considered for deportation.

An analysis of the chart also revealed that it is the same chart making the rounds on Facebook in Liberia.

We have also written the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for assistance to verify the authenticity of the chart and the accuracy of the data it contains.

The ICE has not responded to our inquiry, when they do, we will update this report.


Our finding shows that the claim about the U.S. Government’s plan to deport 1,563 Liberians considered on the ICE’s non-detained docket is correct.

According to Fox News, there are 1,445,549 foreign nationals on ICE’s non-detained docket and have final orders of removal, 1,563 of the 1.4 million foreign nationals are Liberians.


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