Buchanan – Janjay Village of Hope in collaboration with Voice of Truth has begun a 100 acre of land cassava farm aimed at empowering local farmers in the county.
Janjay Village of Hope is a none-for-profit organization working in collaboration with Voice of Truth, a community-based organization working to empower over 100 farmers in SDA community in District # 2, Grand Bassa County.
Magdalene Harris, who is the president Janjay Village of Hope, told LocalVoicesLiberia that her foundation is determined to help farmers, which she said will help the CBO generate funds on their own.
“Voice of Truth is a very big community organization but they do not have the support to do this farm; we are partnering with them to produce more cassava,” Mrs. Harris said.
“We want to use the cassava to produce farina, cassava flour, and Fufu to be sold. When we sell the products 50% of funds generated will go into the account of Voice of Truth for development and the rest of the 50% will be used to extend the farm.”
Madam Harris mentioned that the cassava farm is mainly aimed at helping to empower the community dwellers.
Janjay Village of Hope is providing the funds for the project while Voice of Truth is providing the labor force.
Smith Garway, Coordinator of Voice of Truth, pointed out that when the farm is completed it will serve as “a blessing for the organization”.
“Our organization has over 4,000 members but we have nothing to keep our members up. We believe that this farm is ours and not Janjay Village of Hope because we are the direct beneficiaries,” Garway stressed.
“Janjay Village of Hope is not going to benefit anything from this farm but we the members of Voice of Truth owns this farm”.
Marie Garsuah, a resident of the community, said the farm project will serve as a “major development within our area”.
“For me, I am happy that the farm is right in my home town because it is a major development that will enable us to get good roads,” she said.
Joseph Sallee, another community member, expressed joy that their town was selected for the project.
“I am happy because people will now know that there is a town call SDA community in District # 2. We are going to make sure that the objectives of the two organizations are met,” Salle said.
Over 70 men cleared the 100 acres of land within a week and they are now preparing for planting.
Report By: Elton Wrionbee Tiah