Local Voices Liberia is a network of Liberian journalists established in 2015. The network came to being to counter the spread of misinformation during the Ebola pandemic and encourage responsible health journalism. We are a non-for-profit media organization legally registered under the law of Liberia with Registration Number 051609646 and Tax Identification Number 500436744. Our work focuses on improving Liberia’s democratic space by elevating the development challenges and progress of rural communities through our independent development reporting approach. We have members based in all 15 counties of Liberia who also work as mobile fact checkers.
See Legal Registration Document: Annex_2_LVL Business Registration_2024
Local Voices Liberia operates an Independent Fact Checking Desk committed to tracking and fact checking claims made within Liberia’s information ecosystem. The task is to debunk or counter the spread of misinformation, disinformation and fake news and help the public consume credible information to enhance people’s ability to make informed decisions to strengthen the growth our the country’s democracy. LVL Fact Checking Desk receives funding from the USAID Media Activity and the European Union through projects implemented by Internews in Liberia.
Since 2021, the organization has implemented several fact checking projects including conducting checking workshops for journalists, media literacy programs, and community forums on information integrity – all geared toward countering disinformation and expanding the culture of fact checking in Liberia.
LVL Fact checking Desk is an independent non-partisan fact checking organization. Our donors or funders have no say or influence in the production fact check or editorial decision of the fact checking desk. Although we are not yet a signatory, the conduct of fact check is squarely based on the five core principles of the International Fact Checking Organization (IFCN).