Local Voices Liberia Fact Checking Desk maintains full editorial independence, ensuring all content is produced based on rigorous fact-checking standards. Our team adheres to ethical journalism practices, prioritizing accuracy, transparency, and accountability in reporting. Decisions about the publication are solely guided by the commitment to factual integrity and public interest, free from any external influence or bias.
All reports by fact checkers are submitted to the Desk Coordinator who reviews the work with the fact checker by double checking sources. After this, the draft is shared with the Editor, who does a review and share with the fact checker for a joint review before publication of the report.
We ensure that all of our reports are based on credible evidence — authoritative or credible (expert) sources. The Editorial authority is exercised by the entire team based on our clearly written fact checking process. The editor reviews and publish fact checks that meet the standard of the fact checking Desk. Because the editorial process is clearly defined and streamlined, the authority is not inherent in a single person — the editor only provides supervision to ensure these principles are adhere to.
Senkpeni is a multi-media journalist and fact-checker with 18+ years of journalism expertise. He’s a Co-founder and Executive Director of Local Voices Liberia (LVL). He holds a law degree from the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law.
Jerry Gaye is a passionate Liberian journalist and Fact Checker with nearly ten years of working experience with reputable media organizations, gathering information on news, current affairs, important events and matters of public interest.
Aria Deemie is a two-time award-winning Liberian journalist and a fact-checker with a bachelor’s degree in social work. She's a postgraduate student at the Mother Patern College of Health Sciences in Monrovia studying Social Work.
Sirleaf is a Liberian journalist and fact checker with over 5 years’ experience in media practices. Varney holds a diploma in journalism. Before joining Local Voices Liberia as fact checker in 2021, Varney previously worked as a reporter at Prime FM in Monrovia.
She is a 2019 graduate of the United Methodist University, has demonstrated her dedication to journalism since 2019. She is a fact-checker at Local Voices Liberia and has emerged as a prominent figure in the field.
Miapue is a passionate Investigative Journalist with seven years of experience in mainstream journalism. He produces compelling stories that resonate with a broad audience. He’s a recipient of Liberia's first Young Journalist Award in 2023 funded by USAID Media Activities through global development media organization, Internews.