A viral message containing a link of an announcement of recruitment at the National Port Authority surfaced online. The message has been widely shared through individual message box, but was recently posted by Facebook group named Global News.
It claims that there are vacancies for drivers, engineers, security, operators, inspectors, among others.
The site and the post were later deleted.
However, to fact check the post and the link in it, we first checked the website of the National Port Authority but did not find any announcement for recruitments.
We also contacted the Head of Communications at NPA Mr. Malcom Scott through WhatsApp to inquiry about the existence of an ongoing recruitment at the port.
Mr. Scott replied our message, saying, “There’s no such thing like ongoing recruitment/ new vaccines at the NPA as it is being reported by this unofficial and rouge website”.
Further research shows that the viral message has two links, one of the links takes you to Kuwait Ministry of Higher Education website while the other takes you to a site with the Seal of Liberia and logo of the NPA.
On the site with the Liberian Seal and logo of NPA, there is a form for interested persons to fill in order to apply for any of the positions listed.
Even if you filled the form with the wrong answers, you will be congratulated and asked to share the link with a number of people to be consider for the job.
We also did an analysis of the website using online tool, the tool rates the website with 1% stating that it is a very risky site.

Based on these facts, we therefore conclude that the viral message and link that the NPA has opened a recruitment for vacancies is fake.
The website has a dangerous rating and the NPA has clarified that it is not carrying our recruitment.
This report was developed with the support of Internews through the USAID Media Activity project. The funder has no say in the editorial decision leading to the production of this content